How to change the default "Items per page" from 10 to 20 or 100

I would like to change the “Items per page” default from 10 items to 20 or maybe 100…
I understand that doing so creates a slightly more load on the server but I am ok with that.
When I am in the HF dashboard, I am usually troubleshooting things and its an extra click for me more than anything.

Is there a web.conf setting for this?
Thanks for your help.


Bump. I have exactly 11 jobs, so you can imagine how this is a regular papercut every time I visit that page, since the default pagination is 10.

Hi guys,
I think that upgrading to HF 1.8 and using the UseMaxArgumentSizeToRender(int n) in Hangfire service configuration could be useful for you both.
For example I set n = 20 and this is the result:

Thanks for posting this reply. I upgraded to 1.8+ and set

The Item per page is now 20… not 50…
I removed the config and the recurring still shows 20 items per page…

So It would appear that the default is now 20, and this option does not affect the ability to change the default items per page.


it’s in the DashboardOptions: here’s a snippet from my code:

app.UseHangfireDashboard("/hangfire", new DashboardOptions
    DashboardTitle = "my title",
    DefaultRecordsPerPage = 40,