Hello ,
i have a simple problem with the dashboard , how can prevent the dashboard from being so responsive .
it excessively checks in database for the count of the currently running jobs ,(recurrent jobs count , ,etc…)
to update the stats in the dashboard page , this makes a load on database i want to delay that check or trigger it with a simple refresh for the page.
Here Is the query that retrieves the counts:-
set transaction isolation level read committed;
select count(Id) from [HangFire].Job with (nolock) where StateName = N’Enqueued’;
select count(Id) from [HangFire].Job with (nolock) where StateName = N’Failed’;
select count(Id) from [HangFire].Job with (nolock) where StateName = N’Processing’;
select count(Id) from [HangFire].Job with (nolock) where StateName = N’Scheduled’;
select count(Id) from [HangFire].Server with (nolock);
select sum(s.[Value]) from (
select sum([Value]) as [Value] from [HangFire].Counter with (readpast) where [Key] = N’stats:succeeded’
union all
select [Value] from [HangFire].AggregatedCounter with (nolock) where [Key] = N’stats:succeeded’
) as s;
select sum(s.[Value]) from (
select sum([Value]) as [Value] from [HangFire].Counter with (readpast) where [Key] = N’stats:deleted’
union all
select [Value] from [HangFire].AggregatedCounter with (nolock) where [Key] = N’stats:deleted’
) as s;
select count from [HangFire].[Set] with (nolock) where [Key] = N’recurring-jobs’;