How to make client unaware of job?

Im trying to make my client unaware of the executing code for the job.
But when i pass an interface in the job creation, the job never fires on the server. What do i do wrong?

This does not work
BackgroundJob.Enqueue(x => x.ExecuteJob(notification));

But this of course do
BackgroundJob.Enqueue(x => x.ExecuteJob(notification));

The client is an API, and i want to add a genric way to create the job so i dont have to redeploy the api for new jobs. And handle the implementation in the server service. How can i accomplish this?

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Here are the code samples formatted

This does not work
BackgroundJob.Enqueue<ISubscriber>(x => x.ExecuteJob(notification));

But this of course do
BackgroundJob.Enqueue<Subscriber>(x => x.ExecuteJob(notification));

For anyone having the same problem in the future.
The solution was to add the job with interface in the client

BackgroundJob.Enqueue<ISubscriber>(x => x.ExecuteJob(notification));

And then use dependency injection in the server code

services.AddSingleton<ISubscriber, Subscriber>();