I have configured HF to use Redis DB but sometime I crossing to below exception:-----
Hangfire.Pro.Redis.RedisStorageException: Connection to Redis isn't available yet, reconnect is in
progress: It was not possible to connect to the redis server(s); MISCONF Redis is configured to save
RDB snapshots, but is currently not able to persist on disk. Commands that may modify the data set
are disabled. Please check Redis logs for details about the error.
at Hangfire.Pro.Redis.RedisStorage.ThrowConnectionUnavailableException()
at Hangfire.Pro.Redis.RedisStorage.GetDatabase()
at Hangfire.Pro.Redis.RedisMonitoringApi.EnqueuedCount(String queue)
and also below :
Hangfire.Pro.Redis.RedisStorageException: Connection to Redis isn't available yet, reconnect is in progress: It was not possible to connect to the redis server(s); MISCONF Redis is configured to save RDB snapshots, but is currently not able to persist on disk. Commands that may modify the data set are disabled. Please check Redis logs for details about the error.
at Hangfire.Pro.Redis.RedisStorage.ThrowConnectionUnavailableException()
at Hangfire.Pro.Redis.RedisStorage.GetDatabase()
at Hangfire.Pro.Redis.RedisMonitoringApi.EnqueuedCount(String queue)
by executing below command I will lost Enqueued jobs and sometime processing
redis-cli config set stop-writes-on-bgsave-error no
and my storage configuration:
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.UseRedisStorage("localhost", new
Hangfire.Pro.Redis.RedisStorageOptions() { InvisibilityTimeout = TimeSpan.MaxValue