We’re a paying customer.
We are switching from Docker Desktop to Rancher Desktop due to ongoing issues with M1 compatibility. I am currently porting our developer machine container setup to RD, and I am having problems with the combination of RD and Hangfire.Pro.Redis.
My experiments to get this working include --bind
, as well as --protected-mode off
for the Redis container (even though these are the defaults). Using redis-cli
, I am able to interact with the database in a variety of ways; however, Hangfire.Pro.Rails fails with either ConnectTimeout
or ConnectionRefused
. I have tried Redis 5 and 6.
Enabling --loglevel debug
on the Redis container shows that Redis is definitely accepting connections from Hangfire.Pro.Redis.
Here is an example stack trace:
Connection to Redis isn't available yet, reconnect is in progress: It was not possible to connect to the redis server(s); Connection refused. Configured endpoints: localhost:6379
at Hangfire.Pro.Redis.RedisStorage.GetMultiplexer()
at Hangfire.Pro.Redis.RedisStorage.GetDatabase()
at Hangfire.Pro.Redis.RedisDistributedLock.TryAcquireLock()
at Hangfire.Pro.Redis.RedisDistributedLock.AcquireOrThrow(TimeSpan timeout)
at Hangfire.Pro.Redis.RedisDistributedLock..ctor(Func`1 databaseFactory, Func`1 subscriverFactory, Func`2 isActiveFunc, ILockExtender lockExtender, RedisStorageOptions options, String resource, String lockToken, TimeSpan timeout)
at Hangfire.Pro.Redis.RedisConnection.DistributedLockWrapper..ctor(RedisConnection connection, String resource, TimeSpan timeout)
at Hangfire.Pro.Redis.RedisConnection.AcquireDistributedLock(String resource, TimeSpan timeout)
at Hangfire.RecurringJobExtensions.AcquireDistributedRecurringJobLock(IStorageConnection connection, String recurringJobId, TimeSpan timeout)
at Hangfire.RecurringJobManager.AddOrUpdate(String recurringJobId, Job job, String cronExpression, RecurringJobOptions options)
at Hangfire.RecurringJobManagerExtensions.AddOrUpdate(IRecurringJobManager manager, String recurringJobId, Job job, String cronExpression, TimeZoneInfo timeZone, String queue)
at Hangfire.RecurringJobManagerExtensions.AddOrUpdate(IRecurringJobManager manager, String recurringJobId, Job job, String cronExpression, TimeZoneInfo timeZone)
at Hangfire.RecurringJobManagerExtensions.AddOrUpdate(IRecurringJobManager manager, String recurringJobId, Job job, String cronExpression)