DisplayName/JObDisplayName attribute not working for me

#9 Iservice.SendToTrade 1m 50.414s 18 minutes ago
#8 Iservice.SendToTrade 1m 16.674s 23 minutes ago
#6 Iservice.SendToTrade 30.66s a day ago
#4 Iservice.SendToTrade 2m 48.560s a day ago
#3 Iservice.SendToTrade 3m 46.560s a day ago

This is the interface code:

[DisplayName("Trade - description: {0}")]
void SentToTrade(long tradeId)

[JobDisplayName("Trade - description: {0}")]
void SentToTrade(long tradeId)

I am using Hangfire 1.7.11

I tried DisplayName/JObDisplayName attribute on interface and method, not working.