Bug in Dashboard. Enqueued button make all my queues disappear (HangFire with RabbitMQ)

I am using

Dotnet Framework 4.7.2
Hangfire.Core 1.6.25
Hangfire.SqlServer 1.6.25
Hangfire.SqlServer.RabbitMQ 1.6.0
hangfire.aspnet 0.2.0

I encountered a bug in the dashboard when using hangfire with rabbitmq. I clicked on the “Enqueued” link, all my queues in rabbitmq went missing and the job in enqueues are also missing. showing only 20/2 enqueued.

This is the code for my server.

        var options = new BackgroundJobServerOptions
            ServerName = strServerPrefix + String.Format("{0}.{1}", Environment.MachineName, Guid.NewGuid().ToString()),
            Queues = new string [] { "default", "queue" }


        JobStorage.Current = new SqlServerStorage("db_connection", new SqlServerStorageOptions
            PrepareSchemaIfNecessary = true,
            SlidingInvisibilityTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(60),

        }).UseRabbitMq(conf =>
            conf.HostName = strRabbitMQ_HostName;
            conf.Port = intRabbitMQ_Port;
            conf.Username = strRabbitMQ_Username;
            conf.Password = strRabbitMQ_Password;
            conf.VirtualHost = strRabbitMQ_VirtualHost;
        }, new string [] { "default", "queue" });


        // Make `Back to site` link working for subfolder applications
        //var options = new DashboardOptions { AppPath = VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~") };

        app.UseHangfireDashboard("", new DashboardOptions()
            AppPath = VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~"),
            Authorization = new[] { new CustomAuthorizeFilter() }

This is the code on my client which fires the method :

        JobStorage.Current = new SqlServerStorage("db_connection", new SqlServerStorageOptions
            PrepareSchemaIfNecessary = true,
            SlidingInvisibilityTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(60)

        }).UseRabbitMq(conf =>
            conf.HostName = RabbitMQ_Hostname;
            conf.Port = RabbitMQ_Port;
            conf.Username = RabbitMQ_Username;
            conf.Password = RabbitMQ_Password;
            conf.VirtualHost = RabbitMQ_VirtualHost;
        }, new string [] { "default", "queue" });

            // Fire method to HangFire
            var client1 = new BackgroundJobClient();
            var state1 = new EnqueuedState("queue");
            client1.Create(() => ConvertVideo(source, target, format), state1);

Can anyone tell me what is wrong with my code ?