Jobs not getting retried?

I’m seeing jobs scheduled to be retired that never actually get retried. Retry attempt 1 of 3: Email down. And it just sits in the scheduled jobs queue never to do anything. Scheduled 3 months ago (+15ms). Why not getting retried? How to diagnose?

Here is my configuration.
I am using the auto retry attribute.

        var sb =
            new NpgsqlConnectionStringBuilder(
                Pooling = false
        var storage = new PostgreSqlStorage(sb.ConnectionString);
        JobStorage.Current = storage;
        Hangfire.GlobalJobFilters.Filters.Add(new AutomaticRetryAttribute {Attempts = 3});
        app.Map("/hf", hf =>
            var filter = new BasicAuthAuthorizationFilter(
                new BasicAuthAuthorizationFilterOptions
                    SslRedirect = false,
                    // Require secure connection for dashboard
                    RequireSsl = false,
                    // Case sensitive login checking
                    LoginCaseSensitive = true,
                    // Users
                    Users = new[]
                        new BasicAuthAuthorizationUser
                            Login = "admin",
                            // Password as SHA1 hash
                            Password = new byte[]
                                0xdd, 0x13, 0x0b, 0x11, 0x8d, 0x13, 0x8d
                new DashboardOptions
                    AuthorizationFilters = new[] { filter },
                    AppPath = ServiceEndpoints.Configured["notifications"].Url().AbsolutePath + "hf/dashboard"
                }, storage);