I would like to write a integration test were I can verify that a job gets automatically retried when it’s failing. Recently, I am wondering how I can setup a test in such way the scheduler is actually working? Can I somehow get informed whether the job I Enqueued actually got processed?
Currently, I am having the below code for the test but it’s not working for me:
var jobStorage = new MemoryStorage();
var options = new BackgroundJobServerOptions();
// Start
var scheduler = new BackgroundJobServer(options);
// add my custom AutomaticRetry job filter instance to global job filters collection
BackgroundJob.Enqueue<JobTask>(task => task.ExecuteJob(123456, null));
// Stop
Only how can I verify that a job got rescheduled multiple times to ensure the automatic retry is working and is enabled in our project?
You’ll probably want to put your test into a loop waiting for the state you expect it to eventually be in, and Polly is a great library for doing something like this with timeouts.
Yes, I have seen the tests for AutomaticRetryAttribute but I am not following you how I can use put my test in a loop waiting for the state I am expecting to be. Basically, I want to ensure the RetryCount parameter of the job is at least higher then 3-4.
How would Polly work with this? Maybe I need to schedule a job and store the returned job id then within Polly query the job data? JobData should then have the Job instance and I think I can dig up the job parameters from there.
Yeah just call the apis to get the job data, but you can then wrap it on a polly retry if the result isn’t the one you expect.
Then you can wrap it in a polly timeout to give up after a cetain period of time (probably want to make this a pessimistic timeout because I don’t think these hangfire apis take cancellation tokens).