Is it possible to make Hangfire connect to DB via SSL (using ceritifcate)

I have Webapi project. I register by DbContext (provided by Entity Framework) with custom methods ProvideClientCertificatesCallback and RemoteCertificateValidationCallback where i do validating of my self-signed ceritifcate.

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddDbContextPool((provider, dop) =>
var dbOptionsReader = provider.GetService();
noa =>

        services.AddHangfire((provider, config) =>
            var dbOptionsReader = provider.GetService<DbConnectionOptionsReader>();


When i added Hangfire to project - UsePostgreSqlStorage falls with error The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure. Allright, Hangifre doesnt know anything about my custom ceritficate check logic. Is it possible to make it understand such logic?