Hangfire Empty blank dashboard when using postgres storage

I’m trying to get a hangfire project going using postgres as the data store.
I’m enabling the dashboard but when i hit localhost/hangfire, I just get an empty blank white screen.

Just questioning why the dashboard is empty and not working. Apparently you just specify UseHangfireDashboard and you then just nav to mysite/hangfire and you have a dashboard to monitor jobs. hmmm

The docs say build your project and nav to /hangfire to test your configuration.
Seems like if i reset iis and nav to it, the dashboard loads, but refreshing the page and i get internal server error.

I’m doing this in the startup class.

JobStorage.Current = new PostgreSqlStorage(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["pgsql-db"].ConnectionString);

var options = new DashboardOptions { AppPath = VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~") };
app.UseHangfireDashboard("/hangfire", options);

Instead of the deprecated

app.UseHangfire(cfg =>
    cfg.UseAuthorizationFilters(new MyRestrictiveAuthorizationFilter());

Please call the app.UseErrorPage method from Microsoft.Owin.Diagnostics package before UseHangfireDashboard:


var options = new DashboardOptions { AppPath = VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~") };
app.UseHangfireDashboard("/hangfire", options);

It will show you the exception.

aha ok thanks.
so it looks like it’s a timeout while getting a connection from the pool.

the hangfire schema was created in the database with no issues
i tested that piece using local and staging postgres connect string.

When i click the server header link, or refresh the dashboard page, I get

Exception: Timeout while getting a connection from pool.

Npgsql.NpgsqlConnectorPool.RequestConnector(NpgsqlConnection Connection)

hmmm no problem making connection to create schema though.

You can ask Hangfire.PostgreSql author on GitHub - https://github.com/frankhommers/Hangfire.PostgreSql/issues

Updated code to as per stackoverflow suggest

var sb =
new NpgsqlConnectionStringBuilder(ConnectionString)
Pooling = false

    var storage = new PostgreSqlStorage(sb.ConnectionString);
