Hangfire Azure Service Bus - Message received again after 1 minute

I noticed that if my job hadn’t completed after just over 1 minute, it was being replayed - even though the original job was still running…
I’m using Azure Service Bus

After some googling, I found out about the LockDuration. Default was around 1 minute.

I set this to the max 5 minutes, and my job completes. This job completes, any way-
But my concern is, if I have a job that takes > 5 mins to complete, what can I do?

I saw a SO post, which I think is the root cause of the issue (the message is replayed on the queue)

This suggests RenewLock - but there’s no option for this in config?

This is a servicebus implementation issue.
You have at least two options, either you periodically call message.RenewLock() while running the job until it completes properly.
Or you have to message.Complete() when you have read it and add the job to hangfire, then you let hangfire handle if the job fails.