Actually I’ve had the same problem. After moving the code in Startup.Auth.cs around (I’d placed it after by cookie auth parts (i.e. cookieauth, facebook and google and before the OpenId connector).
I have the same problem, locally the hangfire was working out-of-the-box. On publishing to an online server (IIS7). The dashboard is simply not accessible. So I did not publish to Azure, just a local machine.
If I hookup the online database with the local app, I can see the server mentioned in server listing, even when it started the process, but the dashboard is not available online.
Adding the suggested solution on configuration (see above) does not solve the problem.
I’m having the same issue, dashboard works as expected on my dev machine, some developers in the team cannot browse the dashboard on their local hangfire instance.
“No type was found that matches the controller named ‘hangfire’.”
Yes and no. I think this solution works but I am using Nancy, not MVC. At this time I did not yet manage to get the authentication issue fixed. However, when tinkering with it, using nancy, I did manage to hack something together that let me view the dashboard page. BUT, Hangfire want to authenticate EVERY request made from the dashboard to the server. This includes polling request to check for status, calls to css files and other resources, etc. I have only gotten to the point where the initial call to the dashboard was authenticated, but no css was loaded and the dashboard was not updated realtime. So, I think its safe to say that when you hook up the dashboard authorization package as described above, it should function as intended. It’s just that I am using Nancy that stuff gets a little different and I did not yet get around to integrating it properly. As of now, I am flying sans dashboard… Work in progress though Hope this helps.
Thanks a lot, it worked for me too.
I needed to put Hangfire config before a dependency injection container (Ninject) config in WebApiInitializer.Configuration method.
The issue happened because hangfire management screen only works on local ambients, if you want to use on others ambients you need to define the IDashboardAuthorizationFilter, otherwise it’s not safe for the management screen to be exposed, here where you can find how to configure the Authorization: Using Dashboard UI — Hangfire Documentation