Specifiy any queue for any methods at runtime

Consider that I want to set a specific queue for a specific method that I decide at run-time what queue should be set.
In order to achieve the above goal I made below changes :
1 - in the below file :

instead of this part of code:

    public void Enqueue(string queue, string jobId)
        const string enqueueJobSql = @"insert into HangFire.JobQueue (JobId, Queue) values (@jobId, @queue)";
        _connection.Execute(enqueueJobSql, new { jobId = jobId, queue = queue });

I used the below code :

    public void Enqueue(string queue, string jobId)
        const string enqueueJobSql = @"insert into HangFire.JobQueue (JobId, Queue) values (@jobId, @queue)";
    // these 2 lines are new
    var d = ERP.Common.HangFireHelper.dict.FirstOrDefault(k => k.Key == jobId);
    queue = d.Value ?? "default";

     _connection.Execute(enqueueJobSql, new { jobId = jobId, queue = queue });

2 - in Hangfire-master\src\Hangfire.Core\States\EnqueuedState.cs file
instead of this :

     public Dictionary<string, string> SerializeData()
        return new Dictionary<string, string>
            { "EnqueuedAt", JobHelper.SerializeDateTime(EnqueuedAt) },
            { "Queue", queue }

I used this :

    public Dictionary<string, string> SerializeData(string jobid=null)
        // these 2 lines are new
        var d = ERP.Common.HangFireHelper.dict.FirstOrDefault(k => k.Key == jobid);
        var queue = d.Value ?? "default";

        return new Dictionary<string, string>
            { "EnqueuedAt", JobHelper.SerializeDateTime(EnqueuedAt) },
            { "Queue", queue }    // and here


3 - in Hangfire-master\src\Hangfire.Core\States\IState.cs file

I changed

         Dictionary<string, string> SerializeData();


         Dictionary<string, string> SerializeData(string jobid=null);

4 - Then change any

     public Dictionary<string, string> SerializeData()


     public Dictionary<string, string> SerializeData(string jobid=null)

5 - in Hangfire-master\src\Hangfire.SqlServer\SqlServerWriteOnlyTransaction.cs

instead of these parts :

  public override void SetJobState(string jobId, IState state)
        const string addAndSetStateSql = @"
     insert into HangFire.State (JobId, Name, Reason, CreatedAt, Data)
     values (@jobId, @name, @reason, @createdAt, @data);
     update HangFire.Job set StateId = SCOPE_IDENTITY(), StateName = @name where Id = @id;";

        QueueCommand(x => x.Execute(
                jobId = jobId,
                name = state.Name,
                reason = state.Reason,
                createdAt = DateTime.UtcNow,
                data = JobHelper.ToJson(state.SerializeData()),
                id = jobId

    public override void AddJobState(string jobId, IState state)
        const string addStateSql = @"insert into HangFire.State (JobId, Name, Reason, CreatedAt, Data)
        values (@jobId, @name, @reason, @createdAt, @data)";

        QueueCommand(x => x.Execute(
                jobId = jobId, 
                name = state.Name,
                reason = state.Reason,
                createdAt = DateTime.UtcNow, 
                data = JobHelper.ToJson(state.SerializeData())

I used these:

public override void SetJobState(string jobId, IState state)
        const string addAndSetStateSql = @"
          insert into HangFire.State (JobId, Name, Reason, CreatedAt, Data)
           values (@jobId, @name, @reason, @createdAt, @data);
           update HangFire.Job set StateId = SCOPE_IDENTITY(), StateName = @name where Id = @id;";
         QueueCommand(x => x.Execute(
                jobId = jobId,
                name = state.Name,
                reason = state.Reason,
                createdAt = DateTime.UtcNow,
                data = JobHelper.ToJson(state.SerializeData(jobId)),
                id = jobId

    public override void AddJobState(string jobId, IState state)
        const string addStateSql = @"insert into HangFire.State (JobId, Name, Reason, CreatedAt, Data)
                         values (@jobId, @name, @reason, @createdAt, @data)";

        QueueCommand(x => x.Execute(
                jobId = jobId, 
                name = state.Name,
                reason = state.Reason,
                createdAt = DateTime.UtcNow, 
                data = JobHelper.ToJson(state.SerializeData(jobId))

note :just jobid is added to state.SerializeData() as a parameter

6 - And this is my cofiguration :

[assembly: OwinStartup(typeof(Startup))]
public class Startup
    public static string conn = "Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=HangFire;Integrated Security=True";
     public static IAppBuilder app2;

     public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
        var options2 = new BackgroundJobServerOptions
            SchedulePollingInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20),
            ServerName = "Server1",
            WorkerCount = 1,
            Queues = new[] { "documents" }  //Queues = new[] { "priority-1", "priority-1", "priority-1" }

        var options3 = new BackgroundJobServerOptions
            ServerName = "Server2",
            WorkerCount = 2,
            Queues = new[] { "sales" }  //Queues = new[] { "priority-1", "priority-1", "priority-1" }

        var options4 = new BackgroundJobServerOptions
            ServerName = "Server_Test",
            WorkerCount = 2,
            Queues = new[] { "Test" }  //Queues = new[] { "priority-1", "priority-1", "priority-1" }

        app.UseHangfire(config =>
            config.UseSqlServerStorage(conn, options);



7 - and then to be able to make queue dynamically i used this :

       public void CreateQueue(string serverName,string queue, int workerCount)
            var options = new SqlServerStorageOptions
            PrepareSchemaIfNecessary = false,
            QueuePollInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15) 

        var options = new BackgroundJobServerOptions
            SchedulePollingInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20),
            ServerName = serverName,
            WorkerCount = workerCount ,
            Queues = new[] {queue }  
        Startup.app2.UseHangfire(config =>
            config.UseSqlServerStorage(conn, options);


and I defined a Dictionary in ERP.Common project in HangFireHelper class which called dict

and then to use it :

  var jobid = BackgroundJob.Schedule<Caller>(c => c.Method_documents(), TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1));
        // set "documents" as job's queue
        ERP.Common.HangFireHelper.dict.Add(jobid, "documents");

"document"s is my queue

note : because I didn’t specify any queue as attribute for my method, it would be default . but with this line of code

        ERP.Common.HangFireHelper.dict.Add(jobid, "documents");

I set the “documents” queue for the job. And with the above changes, when it wants to be inserted, the queue will be fetched from dictionary

Done .It works but,
What do u think about these changes ?
Is there any problem ?

Hi @unos_baghaii! Sorry, but it is very hard to parse splitted blocks of code. Can you wrap your blocks into fenced blocks and show exactly how this code solves the problem from a user perspective?

// Your code

I edited my first post .