Serilog, Seq with Hangfire.Console

I’m using Serilog for writing to disk and Seq.

I’d like to log to both disk, seq and console simultaneously using a single line of code. E.g.
Log.Information("This is some task related query");
As suppose to:
Log.Information("This is some task related message"); context.WriteLine("This is some task related message");

I followed a guide on how to extend Serilog sink to include Hangfire.Console logs too (This article here However, when Seq tries to serialise the PerformContext property, it throws an error.

could not be formatted into JSON for Seq and will be dropped: System.NotSupportedException: The value x is not of a type supported by this visitor.

Anyone had any experience in getting this behaviour? Or would you just separate the two? Thanks.

Hi @Spinks90

You can solve this issue by using scalar, structured, dictionary property value

internal class PerformContextValue : LogEventPropertyValue

Replace LogEventProperyValue with ScalarValue

The full class would be:

internal class PerformContextValue : ScalarValue
    public PerformContextValue(object value) : base(value)

    // The context attached to this property value
    public PerformContext PerformContext { get; set; }
    /// <inheritdoc />
    public override void Render(TextWriter output, string format = null, IFormatProvider formatProvider = null)
        // How the value will be rendered in Json output, etc.
        // Not important for the function of this code..


Serilog is using structured data toolkit to serialize objects.
PerformContextValue is unknown for serilog, so you need to let serilog know it is a scalar value


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Then you can send null in the constructor

public class HangfireConsoleSerilogEnricher : ILogEventEnricher
    // The context used to enrich log events
    public PerformContext PerformContext { get; set; }
    /// <inheritdoc />
    public void Enrich(LogEvent logEvent, ILogEventPropertyFactory propertyFactory)
        var prop = new LogEventProperty("PerformContext",  new PerformContextValue(null) { PrformContext = PerformContext} );
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Awesome, that works a treat. Thanks! :+1: