Renamed job type resolver?

Is there a way to provide a type resolver in case a job is renamed in the code, but there happens to be a job with the old name queued up?

Ideally I hope to never deal with this, but I’m just curious if there is a facility in which this could happen. It would be nice to have a backup plan if I ever needed this.

If I had:

public class SomeJob
  public void DoThings() { }

And later I refactor the code to have:

public class SomeBetterJobName
  public void DoThings() { }

It does the same thing, but if there was already a SomeJob queued up, Hangfire is unable to find the type and it won’t go through.

I would manually go through all the saved data and to a replacement/rename on string-level. Internally things are saved as strings and json objects, so its easy enough to load up, edit and save back.

If you ie. use the Sql Storage you should look in the Job and JobParameters tables.

I’d rather keep an old class for some time, simply forwarding method call to the new one.