Recurring Job is calling per second and after 10 times, its calling at every 10th minutes which i defined

Recurring Job is calling per second and after 8-10 times, its calling at every 10th minutes which i defined.

When i run the application first time, it calls at every 10minute, but when i close the application and run again then it suddenly call per second and after 8-10 callings, its come to natural way.

What i am missing? Here is the below code.

webhookJobFrequency = 10 minutes

public static void RecurringJobGetPollingApplicationID()
Console.WriteLine(“Start RecurringJobGetPollingApplicationID()”);
var sqlServerStorage = new SqlServerStorage(“HangfireConnectionString”);
var options = new BackgroundJobServerOptions();
JobStorage.Current = sqlServerStorage; // assign the storage to Current
var _backgroundJobServer = new BackgroundJobServer(options, sqlServerStorage);
var webhookJobFrequency = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[“timeInterval”].ToString();
RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate(“WebhookPooling”, x => x.GetCallbackPollingDetails(201, 1), webhookJobFrequency);

            Console.WriteLine("End RecurringJobGetPollingApplicationID()" + DateTime.Now);

        catch (Exception ex)
            Console.WriteLine("Recurring: RecurringJobDetails(), Exception: " + ex.Message);

Here is the full code:

public static void RecurringJobGetPollingApplicationID()
Console.WriteLine(“Start RecurringJobGetPollingApplicationID()”);
var sqlServerStorage = new SqlServerStorage(“HangfireConnectionString”);
var options = new BackgroundJobServerOptions();
JobStorage.Current = sqlServerStorage; // assign the storage to Current
var _backgroundJobServer = new BackgroundJobServer(options, sqlServerStorage);
var webhookJobFrequency = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[“timeInterval”].ToString();
RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate(“WebhookPooling”, x => x.GetCallbackPollingDetails(201, 1), webhookJobFrequency);

            Console.WriteLine("End RecurringJobGetPollingApplicationID()" + DateTime.Now);

        catch (Exception ex)
            Console.WriteLine("Recurring: RecurringJobDetails(), Exception: " + ex.Message);