I am currently running into issues attempting to create nested batches within our application. Looking around it appears that others have also ran into a similar issue: Error with Hangfire Nested Batches
I wanted to know if there was anything being worked on for this issue or if there were any ideas for avoiding the error entirely. Below you can find a code sample which reproduces the issue:
BatchJob.StartNew(primaryBatch =>
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
var firstTaskId = primaryBatch.Enqueue(() => Console.WriteLine("Store Document Information"));
var processIndividualPagesBatch = primaryBatch.AwaitJob(firstTaskId, pagesBatch =>
pagesBatch.Enqueue(() => Console.WriteLine("Process page 1"));
pagesBatch.Enqueue(() => Console.WriteLine("Process page 2"));
pagesBatch.Enqueue(() => Console.WriteLine("Process page 3"));
pagesBatch.Enqueue(() => Console.WriteLine("Process page 4"));
// Error occurs because of this await batch call.
primaryBatch.AwaitBatch(processIndividualPagesBatch, completeDoc =>
completeDoc.Enqueue(() => Console.WriteLine("Perform action based on results of page processing."));
The issue with the above code is the AwaitBatch
call. Without that within the batch there is no issue. Here is the full exception which I am receiving:
Hangfire.CreateBatchFailedException : An exception occurred while creating the batch. See the inner exception for
----> System.InvalidOperationException : Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object.
at Hangfire.BatchJobClient.Create(Action`1 createAction, IBatchState state, String description)
at NestedBatchReproduction.NestedBatches() in NestedBatchReproduction.cs:line 18
at Hangfire.Batches.BatchContinuationsSupportAttribute.AddContinuation(ElectBatchStateContext context, BatchAwaitingState awaitingState)
at Hangfire.Batches.BatchContinuationsSupportAttribute.OnStateElection(ElectBatchStateContext context)
at Hangfire.Batches.States.BatchStateMachine.ApplyState(ApplyBatchStateContext context)
at Hangfire.Batches.States.BatchStateMachine.ApplyBatchStates(ApplyBatchStateContext context, ICollection`1 batchedJobs)
at Hangfire.Batches.States.BatchStateMachine.RunStateAction(ApplyBatchStateContext context)
at Hangfire.Batches.States.BatchStateMachine.ApplyState(ApplyBatchStateContext context)
at Hangfire.Batches.Client.BatchFactory.Create(BatchCreateContext context)
at Hangfire.BatchJobClient.Create(Action`1 createAction, IBatchState state, String description)