Missing Method Exception related to IoC( Unity Container )

I’m using hangfire for bulk data deletion job. Here is my code below:

public class JobScheduler: IScheduler
        private BackgroundJobClient client;
        private MyDao dao;        

        public JobScheduler(MyDao daoObj)
            this.dao= daoObj;
            this.client = new BackgroundJobClient();

        public string EnqueueJob(IRequestMessage message)
            return client.Enqueue(() => dao.BulkDelete(requestMsg));            

 public class MyDao: IDao
        private readonly string connectionString;        

        public MyDao(string connectionString)
            this.connectionString = connectionString;

        public void BulkDelete(IRequestMessage  message)
           // My delete operation here..


Followed as mention in the documentation to inject the dependency. I m using Unity Container for IoC.

I m still getting this error:


No parameterless constructor defined for this object.

How do you configure Unity? How do you configure Hangfire to use Unity?

To move ahead. I have created a default constructor. Now it is not giving error. Coming back to configuration. Below is what i have done:

public class ContainerJobActivator : JobActivator
private IContainer _container;

public ContainerJobActivator(IContainer container)
    _container = container;

public override object ActivateJob(Type type)
    return _container.Resolve(type);


//In HangfireBootstrapper.cs add a static method as below:
public void InjectContainer(UnityContainer container)
ContainerJobActivator activator = new ContainerJobActivator(container);
Hangfire.JobActivator.Current = activator;

In global.ascx

//In Global.asax.cs file
UnityContainer container = new UnityContainer();



Continue … But when there is no default constructor. Above code, don’t work as expected and gives me error(No parameter-less constructor defined for this object.).