I configured a windows service using .net core 3.1 to run hangfire. but when running the service the dashboards in the recurring jobs display “Could not resolve assembly ‘Name’” and in the succeeded Jobs once the job completes “Can not find the target method.”. While debugging the code I can see that my execution is being hit, but when I publish the project and run it the job does not process the data.
It means that the Hangfire dashboard doesn’t have a reference to the code that the Hangfire server is executing. This is only a display issue in the dashboard, it doesn’t actually affect the jobs.
If you want to fix it, you will have to let the Hangfire dashboard have a reference to the same codebase that the Hangfire server is using.
I don’t always see this ‘Can not find the target method’, only sometimes. Is it possible to sometimes behave this way, and other times not - should it not be constant if it can’t find the assemblies that it references ?
Nevermind, it made sense that i am using 2 hangfire servers for frontend, and backend processing, and considering the front end which has the dashboard can’t see the backend dll’s - the above statement now makes more sense to me. Thank you
Is there a way to handle this though? Can I have a ‘jobs’ assembly that I reference in both projects that will run the job in my windows service, but only be referenced by the dashboard so it doesn’t display errors?