IBackgroundProcess stops executing randomly

Currently I’m only using Hangfire for the IBackgroundProcess, no jobs just yet. Running as Azure Web App it stops executing randomly.

This is all the code for hangfire in a standard empty MVC 5 website
Configured the Azure Web App as Always Running = yes.

public class MyBackgroundProcess: IBackgroundProcess
    public void Execute(BackgroundProcessContext context)
          Trace.TraceInformation("I'm running...");

and then I the registration in Startup.cs with a default connection to an azure sql database.

public partial class Startup
    public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)


        app.UseHangfireServer(new MyBackgroundProcess());

Is this a known issue or is it what I’m expecting that MyBackgroundProcess would be always running? It sometimes stops after running 2 hours and sometimes after 20 hours, randomly.

@odinserj could this be the core problem related to other unexplainable workers getting on lock or something? In my situation the site is running, the application pool does not recycle as it’s configured as always running in Azure. Now I’m unique since I’m not processing Jobs and only use the IBackgroundProcess. But the jobserver is related on IBackgroundProcess as well isn’t it?