So, I did manage to get this working but I’m not sure it’s the most appropriate way of doing this. I wanted to have the authorization work when going to production.
Here is what I placed in my Global.asax.vb file:
Imports System.Web.Optimization
Imports Hangfire
Imports Hangfire.Annotations
Imports Hangfire.Dashboard
Imports Hangfire.SqlServer
Imports Microsoft.Owin
Imports Owin
<Assembly: OwinStartup(GetType(RouteDelivery.Startup))>
Namespace RouteDelivery
Public Class Startup
Public Sub Configuration(ByVal app As IAppBuilder)
Dim options = New DashboardOptions With {.AppPath = VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~"), .Authorization = {New CustomAuthorizationFilter()}}
Dim joboptions = New BackgroundJobServerOptions With {.WorkerCount = 5}
app.UseHangfireDashboard("/admin/somepath/tosomewhere/hangfire", options)
End Sub
End Class
Public Class CustomAuthorizationFilter
Inherits Startup
Implements IDashboardAuthorizationFilter
Public Function Authorize(ByVal context As DashboardContext) As Boolean
Return True
End Function
Private Function IDashboardAuthorizationFilter_Authorize(<NotNull> context As DashboardContext) As Boolean Implements IDashboardAuthorizationFilter.Authorize
Return True
End Function
End Class
End Namespace
I created a CustomAuthorizationFilter class and this was the only way I could get it to work. I am in the process of building a DB configuration for user access which I can then include in this class.
But, right now, it works fine. There is very little information for, much less web forms, so I thought I would share this.