Hangfire job is failing due to System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Timeout expired on operations with JobQueue table

Hello Hangfire team,

We are intermittently facing an issue with Hangfire as the job failed as the SQLServer DB returns timeout errors. WHen we looked at the DB events, its shows that some operations with the table JobQueue is waiting with wait type LCK_M_IX.

DB Schema version: 5
Hangfire.SqlServer: 1.7.33
Hangfire.AspNetCore: 1.7.33

Code snipper to connect to DB:

var option = new SqlServerStorageOptions
      CommandTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(60)
config.UseSqlServerStorage(AppSettings.Config.DbConnectionString, option);

How to resolve this locking issue?

Updates for the Hangfire version, Hangfire.SqlServer and Hangfire.AspNetCore, both are 1.7.33