I have been using Hangfire for about a month and have set it up both as an “always running” .Net app and now as a Windows service. Whatever way I use it, it will work for a few hours, then eventually I will receive exceptions and errors in the log, and jobs in the queue will no longer be processed.
I am using Windows Server 2008 R2 and SQL Server express. I am using Hangfire 1.3.3 and NLog.
The FATAL error messages say “see the exception for details”; however I see no exception in the log. My Nlog configuration is:
<!-- add your targets here -->
<target xsi:type="File" name="f" fileName="${basedir}/logs/${shortdate}.log"
layout="${longdate} ${uppercase:${level}} ${message}" />
<logger name="*" minlevel="Trace" writeTo="f" />
This is a typical segment from the log:
2015-01-30 16:17:44.4394 DEBUG Removing outdated records from table ‘Set’…
2015-01-30 16:17:44.4394 DEBUG Removing outdated records from table ‘Hash’…
2015-01-30 17:12:16.8876 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Recurring Job Scheduler’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 1 of 10) in 00:00:01 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:12:36.7484 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Worker #4’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 1 of 10) in 00:00:00 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:12:36.9824 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Worker #2’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 1 of 10) in 00:00:01 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:12:36.9980 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Worker #1’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 1 of 10) in 00:00:00 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:12:37.5908 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Worker #5’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 1 of 10) in 00:00:01 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:12:37.7780 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Worker #3’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 1 of 10) in 00:00:01 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:12:41.5220 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Server Heartbeat’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 1 of 10) in 00:00:01 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:12:49.3532 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Server Watchdog’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 1 of 10) in 00:00:01 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:12:49.9304 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Worker #3’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 2 of 10) in 00:00:01 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:12:50.1332 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Worker #5’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 2 of 10) in 00:00:02 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:12:50.3360 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Worker #2’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 2 of 10) in 00:00:02 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:12:50.3360 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Worker #1’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 2 of 10) in 00:00:03 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:12:50.7104 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Worker #4’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 2 of 10) in 00:00:02 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:12:50.9132 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Server Watchdog’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 2 of 10) in 00:00:02 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:12:51.1628 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Worker #3’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 3 of 10) in 00:00:08 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:12:50.7104 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Server Heartbeat’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 2 of 10) in 00:00:04 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:12:52.3640 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Worker #5’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 3 of 10) in 00:00:05 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:12:52.5356 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Worker #2’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 3 of 10) in 00:00:07 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:12:52.7384 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Worker #4’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 3 of 10) in 00:00:05 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:12:52.9568 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Schedule Poller’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 1 of 10) in 00:00:01 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:12:53.1128 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Server Watchdog’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 3 of 10) in 00:00:04 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:12:53.5184 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Worker #1’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 3 of 10) in 00:00:04 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:12:54.1424 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Schedule Poller’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 2 of 10) in 00:00:02 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:12:55.5776 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Server Heartbeat’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 3 of 10) in 00:00:05 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:12:56.3576 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Schedule Poller’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 3 of 10) in 00:00:05 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:12:57.2000 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Server Watchdog’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 4 of 10) in 00:00:10 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:12:57.5744 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Worker #5’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 4 of 10) in 00:00:16 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:12:57.5744 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Worker #1’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 4 of 10) in 00:00:09 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:12:57.8084 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Worker #4’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 4 of 10) in 00:00:14 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:12:59.2124 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Worker #3’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 4 of 10) in 00:00:13 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:12:59.6180 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Worker #2’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 4 of 10) in 00:00:13 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:13:15.7952 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Server Heartbeat’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 4 of 10) in 00:00:14 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:13:15.7952 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Worker #5’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 5 of 10) in 00:00:21 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:13:16.1384 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Worker #2’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 5 of 10) in 00:00:17 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:13:16.1384 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Worker #3’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 5 of 10) in 00:00:25 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:13:16.1384 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Worker #4’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 5 of 10) in 00:00:18 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:13:16.3412 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Server Watchdog’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 5 of 10) in 00:00:22 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:13:16.5440 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Worker #1’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 5 of 10) in 00:00:18 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:13:16.9184 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Schedule Poller’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 4 of 10) in 00:00:10 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:13:27.0116 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Schedule Poller’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 5 of 10) in 00:00:24 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:13:30.1472 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Server Heartbeat’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 5 of 10) in 00:00:24 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:13:33.2828 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Worker #2’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 6 of 10) in 00:00:26 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:13:34.4684 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Worker #4’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 6 of 10) in 00:00:29 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:13:34.6712 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Worker #1’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 6 of 10) in 00:00:26 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:13:52.3928 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Worker #5’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 6 of 10) in 00:00:27 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:13:52.4084 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Schedule Poller’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 6 of 10) in 00:00:32 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:13:52.4084 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Worker #3’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 6 of 10) in 00:00:25 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:13:52.5800 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Server Watchdog’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 6 of 10) in 00:00:26 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:13:54.3116 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Server Heartbeat’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 6 of 10) in 00:00:34 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:13:59.4440 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Worker #2’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 7 of 10) in 00:00:39 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:14:00.8012 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Worker #1’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 7 of 10) in 00:00:42 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:14:03.7214 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Worker #4’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 7 of 10) in 00:00:37 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:14:17.6678 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Worker #3’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 7 of 10) in 00:00:42 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:14:18.8222 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Server Watchdog’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 7 of 10) in 00:00:37 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:14:19.4150 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Worker #5’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 7 of 10) in 00:00:44 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:14:24.4538 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Schedule Poller’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 7 of 10) in 00:00:36 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:14:28.3382 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Server Heartbeat’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 7 of 10) in 00:00:48 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:14:53.7038 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Worker #2’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 8 of 10) in 00:00:50 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:14:53.7038 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Worker #1’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 8 of 10) in 00:00:51 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:14:53.7038 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Worker #4’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 8 of 10) in 00:00:50 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:14:55.9970 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Server Watchdog’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 8 of 10) in 00:01:02 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:14:59.6942 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Worker #3’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 8 of 10) in 00:01:02 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:15:00.3182 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Recurring Job Scheduler’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 2 of 10) in 00:00:02 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:15:00.7082 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Schedule Poller’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 8 of 10) in 00:01:02 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:15:03.6098 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Worker #5’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 8 of 10) in 00:01:04 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:15:16.3706 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Server Heartbeat’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 8 of 10) in 00:00:52 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:15:43.7048 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Worker #4’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 9 of 10) in 00:01:04 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:15:43.7048 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Worker #2’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 9 of 10) in 00:01:06 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:15:44.8392 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Worker #1’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 9 of 10) in 00:01:12 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:16:36.4456 DEBUG Removing outdated records from table ‘Counter’…
2015-01-30 17:16:36.6484 DEBUG Removing outdated records from table ‘Job’…
2015-01-30 17:16:39.0920 DEBUG Removing outdated records from table ‘List’…
2015-01-30 17:16:39.1076 DEBUG Removing outdated records from table ‘Set’…
2015-01-30 17:16:39.1388 DEBUG Removing outdated records from table ‘Hash’…
2015-01-30 17:18:19.2612 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Server Heartbeat’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 1 of 10) in 00:00:01 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:18:20.6340 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Server Heartbeat’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 2 of 10) in 00:00:01 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:18:21.6948 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Server Heartbeat’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 3 of 10) in 00:00:08 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:18:34.9548 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Schedule Poller’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 1 of 10) in 00:00:00 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:18:36.0624 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Recurring Job Scheduler’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 1 of 10) in 00:00:00 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:18:38.6208 FATAL Fatal error occurred during execution of ‘Worker #4’ component. It will be stopped. See the exception for details.
2015-01-30 17:18:45.0012 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Server Heartbeat’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 4 of 10) in 00:00:15 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:18:45.1572 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Schedule Poller’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 2 of 10) in 00:00:01 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:18:46.1244 FATAL Fatal error occurred during execution of ‘Worker #1’ component. It will be stopped. See the exception for details.
2015-01-30 17:18:46.3896 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Schedule Poller’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 3 of 10) in 00:00:04 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:18:46.8108 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Worker #3’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 9 of 10) in 00:01:14 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:18:50.0088 FATAL Fatal error occurred during execution of ‘Worker #2’ component. It will be stopped. See the exception for details.
2015-01-30 17:18:50.6328 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Schedule Poller’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 4 of 10) in 00:00:12 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:19:03.6276 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Worker #5’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 9 of 10) in 00:01:09 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:19:15.9204 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Server Heartbeat’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 5 of 10) in 00:00:23 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:19:16.2636 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Schedule Poller’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 5 of 10) in 00:00:24 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:19:54.3744 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Schedule Poller’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 6 of 10) in 00:00:25 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:19:54.3744 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Server Heartbeat’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 6 of 10) in 00:00:35 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:20:00.5832 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Recurring Job Scheduler’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 2 of 10) in 00:00:03 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:20:00.9888 FATAL Fatal error occurred during execution of ‘Worker #3’ component. It will be stopped. See the exception for details.
2015-01-30 17:20:12.7044 FATAL Fatal error occurred during execution of ‘Worker #5’ component. It will be stopped. See the exception for details.
2015-01-30 17:20:19.5216 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Schedule Poller’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 7 of 10) in 00:00:41 seconds.
2015-01-30 17:20:29.4588 ERROR Error occurred during execution of ‘Server Heartbeat’ component. Execution will be retried (attempt 7 of 10) in 00:00:39 seconds.
2015-01-30 18:16:39.2602 DEBUG Removing outdated records from table ‘Counter’…
2015-01-30 18:16:39.2602 DEBUG Removing outdated records from table ‘Job’…
2015-01-30 18:16:39.2602 DEBUG Removing outdated records from table ‘List’…
Thanks for your help!