Getting below errors recorded in App Insights. There seems no impact to functionality but not sure what this is for and how to fix this.
CREATE TABLE permission denied in database ‘XXXXXX’.
Installing Hangfire SQL objects…
Database schema [XXXXXX] already exists
Table [XXXXXX].[Schema] already exists
Current Hangfire schema version: none
Enabling HEAVY_MIGRATIONS, because we are installing objects from scratch
Installing schema version 1
Query the [HangFire].[Schema] table, if there are no rows in that table, insert the integer 7 If you are running Hangfire version 1.7.0. As a test you can see what happens when you do the following, assuming you are using Sql Server. This will demonstrate that Hangfire creates all the tables if none are there and will insert the Hangfire Schema version:
- Create a new database in sql server.
- Point your code to that sql server.
- Put a breakpoint in, just to be safe, to not run any jobs.
- After the app runs, refresh the new database and you will see all the Hangfire tables.
- Run this query to see the inserted Schema version: (Default Schema)
select * from [HangFire].[Schema]
With the 1 row in the Schema table, that app insights error should stop appearing.