Dynamic recurring job registration

Question is similar to this which has no response yet.

My services are implemented similar to below(showing only the necessary pieces)

interface IBackgroundService{

class RecurringJob1 : IBackgroundService{
    RecurringJob1(IServiceProvider sp){
     //service provider will need to be injected to access configuration data
     //load configuration data for this service

         //Perform actual work

All recurring services will adhere to above structure. All the available recurring job details are stored in appSettings.json similar to below

             Name: "CA.Services.RecurringJob1,
             CronPattern: "xxxxxx", 
             IsActive: true/false
             Name: "CA.Services.RecurringJob2,
             CronPattern: "xxxxxx", 
             IsActive: true/false

Now I want to read above settings and register the recurring jobs. I know I can register jobs as below;

RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate<MyType>("name", e => e.Start(), cronpattern);

But problem is MyType = IBackgroundService and there are many. I can use reflection to create an instance from each type and register. But then I can’t use DI because I want my constructor of the service to get the serviceprovider at the execution time.

Is there a way to solve this?

I would formalize appsettings as a dictionary or a config class and add that to your DI. Then specify that in the constructor.