Different Dashboards, Different Databases, Different Redis Db ,shared jobs

Suppose we have two different apps with two difference Dashboards one of them uses Redis Database 0 and enqueue Methods in specific Queue named QueueX , and the other app Uses Redis Database 1 and Redis Server with it’s queue named QueueX.
The first one should only enqueue Some Jobs, then the enqueued jobs should be proceeded in Second Dashboard.
First app:

    new Hangfire.Pro.Redis.RedisStorageOptions() 
        InvisibilityTimeout = TimeSpan.MaxValue,
        Database = 0

Second app:

I think if I established both of them in Single Redis Db then it will works like a charm, but problem is Different Redist Db number.

appBuilder.UseHangfireServer(new BackgroundJobServerOptions
    ServerName = $"ServerX",
    WorkerCount = 2,
    Queues = new[] { "QueueX" }
            new Hangfire.Pro.Redis.RedisStorageOptions()
                InvisibilityTimeout = TimeSpan.MaxValue,
                Database = 1,
                Prefix = "hangfire:app2:",

and the method in app1 :

public static void Method1(){}

So Scenario is something like below:

Dasboard1 established on Redis Db 0 and then Method1 => Enqueue-ed on QueueX at runtime

Dasboard2 established on Redis Db 1 with HangfireServer named ServerX and QueueX.

The FetchNextJob here Hangfire.Redis/RedisConnection.cs at master · HangfireIO/Hangfire.Redis · GitHub will fetch job based Db prefix not Db number
Is there a way to enqueue job in pecific Db? or something else.