CancellationToken is not being sent

Hi! I have a problem with sending CancellationToken, I use Hangfire.AspNetCore 1.7.9 and .NetCore 3.1.1
When I click to DeleteJob in admin panel, job deletes and I no longer get into breakpoints inside the job. It seems that Hangfire kills my Job without sending CancellationToken. And that’s a problem because I am checking Token to kill exeternal process which this job starts
Below the part of job code:

    public async Task ExecuteAsync(string filePath, string jobName, string parameters, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        var process = CreateProcess(filePath, parameters);

            _backLogger.LogInformation($"Process with id \"{process.Id}\" has been started");
        catch (InvalidOperationException ex)
            _backLogger.LogError(ex, "Something went wrong with starting process, it seems that you don't have enough rights to start new process");
        catch (Win32Exception ex)
            _backLogger.LogError(ex, "Something went wrong with starting process, it seems that you don't have enough rights to folder with \"filePath\" job exe file  or path does not exist");

        catch (Exception ex)
            _backLogger.LogError(ex, "Something went wrong with starting process of BackgroundJob");

        while (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested && !process.HasExited)
            await Task.Delay(WaitTimeMilliseconds, cancellationToken);

        if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
            _backLogger.LogInformation($"Process with id \"{process.Id}\" will be killed");
            _backLogger.LogInformation($"Process with id \"{process.Id}\" has been killed");

And code which adds job to queue:
else if (job.Type == JobType.Background)
BackgroundJob.Enqueue(j => j.ExecuteAsync(job.FilePath, job.Name, job.JobParameters, CancellationToken.None));

Because site does not allow me to update post I will add update here
BackgroundJob.Enqueue>BackgroundProcessJob< (j =&gt j.ExecuteAsync(job.FilePath, job.Name, job.JobParameters, CancellationToken.None));