The type does not contain a method with signature `SendFromQueue(Int32)`

Not if you are busy developing and are just working locally. In a coffee shop :wink:

Ohh, coffee shopsā€¦ 90% of Hangfire were made in coffee shops :smile:

I had the same problem and solved this disabling a other server because Deserialize was work on server that dont had new method signature

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I am new to this.
how to achieve your solution?

I have a similar issue.
Can you please help me out (with steps) ??
My Problem

thatā€™s exactly what happend to me! thanks you saved me some timeā€¦ the production server tried to run it, but it didnā€™t have the function yet. it appears hangfire doesnā€™t set an owner id of who created what task, it relies on the assumption that different environments will use different databases.

Na class add Startup services.AddHangfireServer()