Implementing custom states

I’m trying to implement custom states using IState & IStateHandler. I’ve got my states defined, but not sure 1) where the processing should actually happen, is it in State Handler Apply? or somewhere else
2) how/where to transition to the next state, should it be in the ElectStateFilter or the State Handler?


I would like to know that too, the documentation on it seems to only explain the custom IState

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has anyone made progress implementing their own IStateHandler?

I tried copying and implementing my own version of Enqueued State and it didn’t seem to be running the handler.

I shouldn’t have had to pull in the HangFire code projects to figure this out but such is life.
(FYI, We are using the SQL Server database but I think this should apply to other connections)

To start I added a hander to a state that just added to the counter table for testing.

public class ReadyToEnqueue : IState
internal class Handler : IStateHandler
        public void Apply(ApplyStateContext context, IWriteOnlyTransaction transaction)
            transaction.IncrementCounter("i win");
        public void Unapply(ApplyStateContext context, IWriteOnlyTransaction transaction)
        public string StateName
                return ReadyToEnqueue.StateName;

Next, I created a Job Storage class that extended the SqlServerStorage:

public class MyJobStorage : SqlServerStorage
    public override IEnumerable<IStateHandler> GetStateHandlers()
        return new List<IStateHandler>()
            new ReadyToEnqueue.Handler()
    public SovosJobStorage(string nameOrConnectionString) : base(nameOrConnectionString)
    public SovosJobStorage(string nameOrConnectionString, SqlServerStorageOptions options) : base(
        nameOrConnectionString, options)
    public SovosJobStorage(DbConnection existingConnection) : base(existingConnection)
    public SovosJobStorage(DbConnection existingConnection, SqlServerStorageOptions options) : base(
        existingConnection, options)

Finally in our ApiBootstrap.cs file I changed:



GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.UseStorage(new MyJobStorage(dbConnectionString));
  1. Processing logic should be done in either state handler or ApplyStateFilter (they’re equivalent).
  2. Transition logic should be done in ElectStateFilter.