How to capture the creator of a job?

Hello, @yinkinkwok and thanks for the good words!

Coz i am thinking to implement a mechanism to notify the job creator upon their job’s completion.

Just include the notification into the job itself. You can look at HangFire.Highlighter sample.

Static method:

public void TargetMethod(int entityId)
    // Processing
    JobCreator.Notify("completed", entityId);

Instance method:

public void TargetMethod(int entityId)
    // Processing
    var creator = new JobCreator();
    creator.Notify("completed", entityId);

Constructing JobCreator in the ctor:

public class MyService
    private JobCreator _jobCreator = new JobCreator();

    public void TargetMethod(int entityId)
        // Processing
        _jobCreator.Notify("completed", entityId);

Passing a dependency through constructor this requires integration with IoC container (see here), because HangFire should create an instance of the MyService class before calling the target method.

public class MyService
    private JobCreator _jobCreator;

    public MyService(JobCreator jobCreator)
        _jobCreator = jobCreator;

    public void TargetMethod(int entityId)
        // Processing
        _jobCreator.Notify("completed", entityId);